Customer Service

Refund/Return Policy

We stand by the quality and origin of all the items sold on our site. All of our products are either carefully hand selected or handmade and, as a result, colors and measurements may vary slightly. If a refund is granted, the amount paid will be minus the cost of shipping and handling. Please note that regardless of when a return request is submitted, if the returned item(s) are not received within a 15 day period, the return will not be honored. 


***THERE WILL BE NO REFUND for items that are custom designed (t-shirts, hoodies, dresses, etc.).  THERE WILL BE NO REFUND for any fragrance, head coverings or personal care items for sanitary reasons.***


Custom and Bulk orders
Custom and bulk orders may not be returned or exchanged unless damaged. This will also include our custom fragrances and any personal care items. If you receive damaged personalized or bulk items, please reach out to within 7 business days of receipt.

Damaged Items
Damaged or defective items should be reported to us within 7 business days of receipt of the package.  Do not ship damaged products back to us unless requested to do so.  A refund will be issued to your account or you will be shipped replacement item(s) as soon as possible.

Missing Items
While we try to be as accurate as possible, we will occasionally make a mistake in fulfilling orders. If items are missing from your order, please contact us within 7 business days of receipt of the package to be issued a credit or to be shipped correct item(s).

Please note that regardless of when a return request is submitted, if the returned item(s) are not received within a 15 day period, the return will not be honored.


Shipping & Custom Drip :

Please allow up to 1 to 8 weeks for custom design and shipping as many of our items come directly from the Motherland.  These custom items are handmade, stitched and created with the love and care of THE MOST HIGH in heart and mind. Please have patience and grace.  Hebrew Drip is not responsible for shipping delays due to: 

  • Inclement Weather
  • LOST/STOLEN packages
  • Incorrect/Incomplete addresses


All communication should be emailed to - Where we will be happy to answer all questions and concerns. If you have any issues, please contact us before leaving a negative review.

Please allow 24 to 48 business hours for correspondence.

Hours of operation Sun - Thurs 8:00am to 8:00pm EST

CLOSED all 7th day Shabbats (Friday Sunset to Saturday Sunset) and ALL Feast days.